Hey, turns out, if you've made comments on Dreamwidth in the past with your OpenID, you can reassign those to your actual Dreamwidth account! Anna posted about it here.
As per my post on this made earlier, the new Russian Federation-compliant Livejournal Terms of Service are unacceptable; my existence is not obscene and it is not propaganda and I do not agree and I will not mark my journal "Adult
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Yahoo! will be combined with AOL? Wow, it's Sears and K-Mart all over again, two more drunks clinging to each other desperately hoping to manage a straight line
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So Anna and I were walking to the bus and I referred to a “flotilla of douchecanoes” and we started wondering about collectives for douchecanoe because it’s really only a flotilla when on patrol, right
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We’re in the comment period for the new FCC regulations which destroy Internet network neutrality. This may seem like an esoteric issue to you, but it’s not. It’s a core infrastructure question: whether you have to pay more to actually get your network traffic delivered. If you’re completely unfamiliar, here’s John Oliver talking about it in a
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